

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Student Pilot Journal Podcast #1

Well.....I took my first discovery flight at Valkaria airport (X59) with CFI Casey Allen from Indian River Flying Club. I wish I had accomplished at 20 years old what he has. I was not able to get video during flight as I had to feel things out with Casey. I hope that in the future I can get video to make things a little more interesting for people watching (If any). If I was not hooked before (Yea right) then I am now. That is all I have thought of all week. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Download the Video


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Student Pilot Journal Podcast #0

I am getting ready to head out for my discovery flight at Valkaria airport with CFI Casey Allen. You can listen to the introductory podcast to find out more about me and and this journal.
