

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Checkride Scheduled

I finally got a date for the checkride. It is scheduled for Thursday, May 29. Flying has been sporadic this month due to various aircraft maintenance issues and environmental reasons. We have had some major forest fires in the area and the division of forestry put a TFR out that included Valkaria so that caused a weeks worth of headaches because we could not even get to the plane to fly it somewhere else. I got checked out last night for the 172 so that will be good. When I pass the ckeckride I will be able to take a couple of people and actually carry some fuel. :-) I don't really have any new video to show since we have only been drilling in the same maneuvers over and over. I have been editing a flight that I took in a Piper Seneca so I will at least show that and also give a brief video update of my progress before the flight video. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the checkride.

I think your video clips are fantastic - just wish they could be longer. Some the ATC I hear is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Yea...I always tape an hour, but I edit them down to keep people's interest and also keep file size low. If there is a topic you are interested in I would be happy to provide you with the entire video.

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg,

I want to thank you for the effort and taking the time to do this. I am going for a dual intro flight this Tuesday (12/30/08) and intend to continue on to get my P/P.

Any advise?

Your video's are the deciding factor for me to pull the trigger and get going. Anyway to obtain your videos on a disck, the downloads for me are an issue.

Thanks again and have a great holiday.


Greg Summers said...


I would be happy to talk to you more. Email works best for these situations. Please email me at The comments area does not give me access to your email address.