On another note, I will be flying to the Keys at the end of the month (Marathon) with a few friends. I asked Casey to ride along since I have never flown there. He has been down there several times. I plan to take some video as well. I still have a number of flights in the queue waiting to be edited but work has been non stop since the beginning of the year and my workflow was interrupted when I switched to the Mac. In the end I know that it will be easier but I am still getting used to working in a new video editing program. I still have not started much of anything on the instrument training so when that gets rolling, you should start to see a lot of video uploaded. I have decided that I want to have everything in line to do non stop training, just as I did for my PPL. That seems to work best for me. Talk to you all later!
I saw the reference to your site in the Rod Machado's Flight Training article. Congrats!
Thanks! It is nice to get mentioned out there....
Congratulations on the mention dude.
Thaanks great blog post
Hi great readinng your blog
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